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Institute renaming: HPI Becomes LIV - Leibniz Institute of Virology

The new LIV logo

Monday, 9.05.2022

Hamburg. The Heinrich Pette Institute, Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology (HPI) carried the name of its founding director Prof. Dr. Heinrich Wilhelm Pette (1887-1964) since 1964. In 2021, the institute decided to be renamed. Since May 9, 2022, it goes by the new name Leibniz Institute of Virology, abbreviated LIV. 

In the spring of 2021, the institute decided to change its name. The basis for this was a reappraisal process of Heinrich Pette's work in the years 1933 to 1945, at the end of which a name-finding process was initiated.

"The institute has systematically developed over the past decades - thematically, strategically and staff-wise. With regard to a forward-looking and international orientation, we felt that the name 'Heinrich Pette' was no longer appropriate for the Institute," explains Prof. Thomas Dobner, Scientific Director of the Institute. 

New name: Leibniz Institute of Virology, LIV

"The name Leibniz Institute of Virology, abbreviated LIV, perfectly sums up our identity: We are part of the Leibniz Association and dedicated to the study of human pathogenic viruses. We look forward to carrying the new name out into the world with our research," says Administrative Director Katja Linke.

The Leibniz Institute of Virology (LIV) conducts research into human pathogenic viruses with the aim of understanding virus-related diseases and developing new therapeutic approaches. 

Based on basic experimental research, new starting points for improved procedures for the treatment of viral diseases such as AIDS, influenza, and hepatitis, but also of emerging viral infections such as COVID-19, are to be developed. With its research focus, LIV covers the world's most important viral infectious agents.

"The renaming of the Leibniz Institute of Virology is a timely and important sign. The consistent reappraisal of German history remains a highly relevant task for all of us. The new name clearly sums up the research focus of the institute and fits perfectly with its international orientation,"emphasizes Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science and Second Mayor of the City of Hamburg.

The Institute’s history & future 

Founded in 1948, the institute's origins go back to the patron Philipp F. Reemtsma and the neurologist Heinrich Pette. As a foundation under civil law, the LIV is a non-profit and independent research institution that has been a member of the Leibniz Association since 1995. The institute is funded proportionally by the German Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) and the joint research funding of the federal states, represented by the Ministry of Science, Research, Equality and Districts (BWFGB) of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. 

"Heinrich and his wife Edith Pette, who built up and led the institute together, are of course not forgotten," emphasizes Prof. Thomas Dobner. "Their importance for the institute and their scientific successes will continue to be honored." 

New logo

With the new name, comes a new logo for the LIV. As with HPI, it features the colors blue and green and a stylized virus icon. Katja Linke explains: "The new LIV logo looks fresh and clear, but at the same time its colors and the virus symbol are somewhat reminiscent of our old logo. So we're not completely reinventing ourselves, but rather evolving and will continue on our successful path as a virus research institute with transregional and national significance."


LIV contacts:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Dobner, Scientific Director & Katja Linke, Administrative Director