Image Processing Specialist
The Image Processing Specialist enhances the support that the LCI Imaging Center in Hamburg provides to a broad community. The LCI Imaging Center, located at the LIV, is a collaboration of three Leibniz institutes working on infection biology in the Metropolitan region of Hamburg that jointly form the Leibniz Centre Infection. It focusses on the integrative imaging of host-pathogen interactions. As a research-driven unit, the LCI Imaging Center develops and adapts preparation and imaging techniques tailored to the scientific questions of the users. Its special focus and expertise are in the area of integrative imaging methods and correlative workflows for multimodal imaging over a wide range of complexity.
The role of the Image Processing Specialist is to develop algorithms and tools for data integration and automated image analysis—especially for complex data sets like live-cell movies. By providing user trainings and serving as first line support, the Image Processing Specialist bridges the gap between state-of-the-art microscopy techniques and biological research questions enabling users to explore the full potential of their imaging data sets.